Passion into Profession
Perform Like a Pro
Great art can happen anywhere—but JCA’s facilities set the stage for powerful experiences with you and your audience. From an intimate black-box theatre to a 2,000-seat performance space that looms as large as the A-list talents who have graced it, you’ll hone your craft in venues that inspire your best.
New Major
This new Acting major is specifically intended for the serious undergraduate student who is seeking deep actor training that is complemented and supported by production experiences in all aspects of theatre.

Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
Imagine. Innovate. Inspire.
The work produced by artists at Butler never ceases to inspire us.